Vegan Food Pyramid

Vegan food pyramid

Food Group of Vegan Food Pyramid

Vegan food pyramid - whole grains and total grams per serving:

- 1 slice bread 30g, 
- 1 cup dr cereal 30g, 
- 1/2 cup cooked rice or pasta 100g,
- 6-in tortilla 30g, 
- 1 small roll or muffin 30g, 
- 3-4 crackers 30g.

Dietary purpose for this group: provide energy, dietary, fiber, iron, zinc and B vitamins

Health benefits of grains: 

They may reduce risk of CHD constipation, help with weight management. 

Vegan food pyramid - legums and soy and total grams per serving:

- 1/2 cup cooked dry beans, peas, limas, lentils, soy, 100g,
- 1/2 cup tofu, soy product, 125g, 
- 1 cup fortified soy beverage.  

Dietary purpose for this group: Protein, B vitamins, trace minerals,

Health benefits of legums and soy: 

Proteins - building block for muscle, bones, blood, skin, 
B vitamins - important for nervous system and formation of red blood cells,  
Minerals - iron, zinc and magnesium.

Vegan food pyramid - Vegetables and total grams per serving:

- 1 cup raw leafy vegetables or salad 50g, 
- 1/2 cup chopped raw vegetable 50g, 
- 1/2 cup cooked vegetables 80g, 
- 3/4 cup vegetrable juice,    

Dietary purpose for this group: Rich in vitamins and minerals, fiber, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and naturally low in fat and calories - none has cholesterol.   
Health benefits of vegetables:

May reduce risk od stroke and CVD, type 2 diabetes, developing kidney stones, protect against certain cancer, help decrease bone loss.

Vegan food pyramid - Fruits and total gram per serving:

- 1 medium apple,banana, orange, 150g, 
- 1 cup berries 150g,
- 1 cup chopped fresh fruit 150g, 
- 3/4 cup fruit juice 175 ml, 
- 1/4 cup dried fruit 35g, 

Dietary purpose for thi group is same as vegetables.

Health benefits of fruits

Same as vegetables.

Vegan food pyramid - Nuts and seeds and total grams per serving:

- 1 oz. nuts and seeds 30g,
- 23 almonds (1/4 cup), 
- 14 walnut halves (1/4 cup), 
- 15 cashews (1/4 cup), 
- 1/4 cup sunflower seeds, 
- 2 Tbsp peanut butter, almond butter, tahini, 

Dietary purpose for this group: Protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids, vitamin E,
Health benefits of Nuts and seeds

Lower risk of heart disease.

Vegan food pyramid - Vegetable oil and total gram per serving:

- 1 Tbsp plant oils (14g), 
- 1/4 avocado (50g), 
- 1 Tbsp sald dressing (14g), 
- 23 olives (100g), 

Dietary purpose for this group: Essential fatty acids, Vitamin E
Health benefits of Vegetable oil:  

Improves cholesterol.

Vegan food pyramid - Dairy products and gram per serving:

- 1 cup non-fat ot low fat milk or yogurt 250ml, 
- 1/2 cup low fat cottage or ricotta cheese 125ml, 
- 1.5 oz low fat fresh cheese 42g. 

Dietary purpose for this group: Rich in calcium for strong bones.
Health benefits of Dairy products: 

Help build and maintain bone, my reduce risk of osteoporosis.

Vegan food pyramid - Eggs - Good sourc of protein and iron

Vegan food pyramid - Sweets and gram per serving:

- 1/8 fruit pie, 
- 1 tbsp fruit preseres (15 ml), 
- 1/2 cup ice cream 125ml, 
- 1.5 ozchocolate bar (42g) 
- 1/2 cup ice cream

Health benefits of sweets products: Psychological

For our pyramid you should :

Adults - exercise for 30 min /day if you want to avoid chronic diseases.
           - exercise for 60 min /day for weight loss.

Water:  At least 8- ounce glasses of water every day,

And you need to enjoy at least 10 minutes on sun every day to activate vitamin D.

Vegan Food Pyramid


Vegan Food Pyramid